Looking for a smart way to learn to build Android apps from scratch with all advanced concepts? Then, you are in the right place.
Know each and every facet of Android app development including requirements, project management, architectural design, data management, GUI and layout, web services, integration with legacy applications, porting, security, and handling of Android app development projects
1. Building full-fledged Android apps from scratch
2. Setting up the development environment for Android
3. Deploying applications to a physical device
4. C, C#, Java, Swift, XML programming fundamentals
5. Cutting-edge development tools
1. Real-world projects
2. Professional mentor support
3. Flexible learning schedules (Half-day training program)
4. Company culture training sessions
5. Personalized training based on candidates’ skill sets
6. Hands-on learning in Android
1. Complete insight into Android app development from experienced software developers
2. Corporate exposure with comprehensive knowledge gathering about trendiest technologies and methodologies
3. Placement opportunities for the selected candidates on the successful completion of our Android development course
4. Affordable fee structure with the best-in-class modules that are set by the experts
1. Installation
2. First run setup wizard
3. ‘Hello World’ Program
4. IDE Overview
5. Project Structure - Manifest, Res, Gradle
1. What is Kotlin
2. Classes
3. Variables
4. DataTypes
5. Functions
5. Arrays, Set, Map
6. Exceptions
1. Operators
2. Conditions
3. Loops
4. Kotlin - Object Oriented Programming.
1. Linear Layout
2. Relative Layout
3. Frame Layout
4. Constraint Layout
1. TextView & EditText
2. Button
3. ImageView
4. Spinner
5. Radio button & CheckBox
6. AutoCompleteTextview
7. Date & Time Picker
8. AlertDialogs
9. Progress Indicator
1. RecyclerView
2. ScrollView
3. WebView
4. CardView
1. AppIcon
2. SplashScreen
3. Fonts
4. Style Attributes
5. Resource Qualifiers
6. Localization & RTL
1. Activity Lifecycle
2. Multiple Activities Navigation
3. Share information between multiple Activities
4. Explicit and Implicit Intents
5. Debugging & Logging
1. Fragment Lifecycle
2. Fragment Management
3. Fragment Navigation
1. Basics of shared preferences
2. Simple Signup and Login Form App
1. Basics of HTTP Request
2. Basics of JSON Parsing
3. Build Simple App by listing details in Recyclerview using API
4. GridView using Recyclerview
5. Infinite / Endless scrolling recyclerview
1. Floating Action Button
2. Navigation Drawer
3. Bottom Navigation Bar
4. ViewPager
5. TabLayout
6. Coordinator Layout
1. Location
2. Adding Marker
3. Autocomplete place search
4. Geocoding
1. Facebook Login
2. Google Login
1. Firebase FCM Cloud Messaging
1. Architecture of DBMS
2. Simple CRUD application using Sqlite
1. Download Manager
2. Service
3. Broadcast Receiver
4. ContentResolver
5. Asynchronous - Thread, Handler, AsyncTask
1. Keystore & App Signing
2. App Release Apk & App Bundle
3. Google play console Rollout process
1. Develop any android application with a maximum of 5days.